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Now Available: Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction and Other Knee Operations: Limiting the Risk of Reinjury and Maximizing Athletic Performance textbook.
Dr. Noyes and Sue Barber-Westin, along with over 15 guest contributors, are preparing a new textbook, Return to Sport After ACL Reconstruction and Other Knee Operations: Limiting the Risk of Reinjury and Maximizing Athletic Performance textbook.
Nearly a million anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur each year worldwide, most of which are sustained by young athletes. The ability to return patients back to sports safely and without subsequent problems is paramount. Return to play has become the subject of increased scrutiny as a result of high reinjury rates that have been reported, as well as disappointing percentages of athletes who returned to sports even though normal or very good knee function was restored. This unique textbook focuses on return to play after ACL and other knee operations and discusses:
Common barriers to return to play, including physical, psychological, psychosocial, and neurocognitive problems.
Return to play decision-based models and the roles of the orthopaedic surgeon and team physician.
The complete spectrum of optimal treatment for ACL injuries, including preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative rehabilitation.
Advanced training concepts such as neuromuscular retraining, work load intensity, external focus, and visual-motor training concepts.
Objective testing for knee function, neurocognitive function, and cardiovascular fitness
Identification and management of psychological issues including fear and depression in the athlete.
Return to play considerations after meniscus surgery, patellofemoral realignment, articular cartilage procedures, and knee arthroplasty.